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Tips for Telephone interview:

Telephone contact means that there are no visual clues unlike a face-to-face interview, In a telephone interview you have to sell yourself using only words and the tone of your voice

Smile! Amazing as it might sound, smiling whilst you talk really helps. You will come across as more friendly and confident. Try it!

Few Minutes Before Telephonic:

Should have compile list of :

• Your strengths and weaknesses
• Your background and skills,

• Answers to typical interview questions

Make sure you have :

• Keep your resume in clear view, so it's at your fingertips when you need to answer questions.

• Have a pen and paper handy for note taking.

• Turn mobile phones off, so your call isn't interrupted

• Practice reducing "ums" and "uhs" and "okays"

During the Interview:

• The first 15 seconds are crucial and interest in your voice is the key. Just the way you answer the phone has an impact on the caller. Talk distinctly and with confidence.

• Smile! Smiling whilst you talk really helps. You will come across as more friendly and confident.

• Use gestures as in normal conversation and be enthusiastic where appropriate

• The tone and rhythm of your voice are important. If you speak in a monotone this will be more apparent on the telephone.

• The interviewer may start with the question, "Tell me about yourself." You should be able to explain the value you added to the company.

• Review a problem that you turned into a positive situation for each position that you list. If possible try to quantify accomplishment in each position

• Give short answer to questions. Short sentences are more easily understood over the phone than long orations. They also give more opportunity for interchange between you and the interviewer, which helps both of you maintain your interest

Listen to Interviewer carefully :

• When the interviewer speaks give him your undivided attention

• Don’t look at your notes or think of anything else during that time

• Don't answer a question that you haven't fully understood.

Restate the question.

• This will also give you time to prepare an answer and prevent long silences on the phone.

• Don't do this too often, as the interviewer will quickly become tired of repeating himself or herself.

Answer questions courteously.

• Try to sound relaxed and confident.

• A note of irritation or frustration in your voice is much more noticeable over the phone, and can't be offset by positive body language.

• Try not to be put off by pauses from the interviewer - (s)he may be taking notes .Don’t feel compelled to fill in pauses with some comments or questions.

Strengths and Weaknesses.

• You must be able to specify your major strengths.

• Your weaknesses, if such must come up, should only be turned around to positives.

Donts :

• Rambling,

• Interrupting the interviewer

Winding up…

• The end of the call is always a tricky thing. A good suggestion is to thank the caller for his or her time.

• If you don't already have it, be sure to ask for the interviewer's exact title and name spelling, along with a email address, so that you can send a thank you note.

Best of Luck • • •


Girijesh said…
Thanks, will follow this.

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