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Mainframe Written test @ Accenture

1. What r the 2 function we can get by using INSPECT verb? (c)

A. file handling, error handling

B. opening a file, closing a file.

C. char counting, replacing.

D. none of the above

2. Indicate which of the following is not true about the formal parameters in a subroutine?(c)

A. every formal parameter must appear in the linkage section of the subroutine

B. every formal parameter must appear in the using phrase of the procedure division header of the subroutine

C. A formal parameter name can appear more than once in the using phrases of the procedure division header of the subroutine.

D. A formal parameter can not be declared with value clause in a subroutine

3. What is the value of A? (B)

01 A pic 9(3).

Move 100 to A.

Perform 1000-para thru 1000-exit.

Display the value of a=A

Stop run.


If A=100

Perform 1000-exit


Move 150 to A


Move 200 to A.






d. none of the above is correct.

4. What is the value of B? (A)

Move 1 to A

Evaluate true

When A>0

Move 20 to B

When A=1

Move 10 to B

When A<1

Move 30 to B

End - evaluate.

A. 20

B. 10

C. 30

D. none of the above is correct

5. In file handling what is the meaning of access mode DYNAMIC? (B)

a. Data can b accessed only sequence

b. Data can b accessed both sequence and rand

c. Data can b accessed only rand

d. This is not correct access method

6. Which of the following is not true about the block contains clause? (C)

a. It reduces the space required to store a file on tape or disk

b. It reduces the time required to process a sequence file

c. It reduces the number of logical records in a file

d. It reduces the number of physical records in a file

7. All the following statements are false about the merge verb except one. Identify this

a. Can merge a max of 3 files? (C)

b. Does not require that the i/p files to b merged b sorted on the merge keys.

c. Requires that all files mentioned in the statement must have records of same size

d. Does not require that the positions of the merge key with in the record descriptions of each of the files must b same.

8. to prevent DB2 from closing a cursor after a commit operation, which of the following DECLARES CURSOR statements is used? (B)

A. for update

B. with hold

C. where current of

D. with commit of

E. none of the above is correct

9.Wcich of the following delete rules will not allow a row to b deleted from the parent table if a row with corresponding key value still exists in the child table?(C)

A. delete

B. cascade

C. restrict

D. set null

E. all of the above is correct

10. Physically the DB2 data is stored in which data sets?(C)

A. sequential datastes

B. hierarchical


D. partitioned

11. How would you determine you are at the end of the result set? (C)

A. check the NULL indicator host variable after each fetch

B. check the SQLCA after closing the cursor

C. check the SQLCA after each fetch

D. checks the SQLDA after each fetch.

12. An update lock gets released by an application using the repeatable read isolation level during which of the following? (D)

a. If the cursor accessing the row is closed.

b. If the transaction issues a ROLLBACK statement.

c. If the cursor accessing the row is moved to the next row.

d. If the transaction changes are made via an UPDATE statement.

13. Which of the following options can b used to place the cursor on the screen thru the program? (C)

A. By setting IC position in the map set.

b. Moving -1 to field attribute

c. Moving -1 to field length

D. none of above

14. Which one of the following can b used to register a TDQ? (C)





15. Find out the correct option from the following? (C)

1. Physical map is a load module

2. Symbolic map is a load module

3. Physical map is a program name

4. Symbolic map is a map copybook




d.all of the above

16. How can a transaction b initiated from the program? (B)

A. by giving program name

B. by using START command in the program

C. by using LINK

D. by using CALL

17. Which one of the following is related to MDT?(D)

A. fset & feset

B. reset & frset

C. reset & modify

D. fset &frset

18. Which will override in steplib & joblib : StepLib

19. what will be the COND parameter for executing a step, even if any of the previous steps terminated abnormally?


20. which of the following options is true, for getting xclusive control of the dataset?


21. Select the wrong choice? (D)

A. IDCAMS is utility of access method services, used to define VSAM clusters

B. REPRO is used to copy records from VSAM file to non-VSAM file and vice versa

C.LISTCAT utility is used to use to find the details like NAME, HISTORY, VOLUME, and ALLOCATION of the any existing VSAM dataset.

D. records of VSAM files generally stored in blocks not in control intervals

22. for which of the following file type, will the control interval split occur? (A)

A. ksds

B. esds

C. rrds

D. All of the above.

23. Select the correct answer? (D)

A. records from KSDS can b deleted physically

B. records from ESDS can not b deleted physically

C. RRDS does not support spanned records.

D. all of the above is correct

24. When do we encounter the status code ‘GA’ for IMS database? (B)

A. At the end f the database.

B. The next higher level segment was retrieved during sequential retrieval.

C. A segment of different type has been retrieved.

D. The segment field has been changed in the program’s IO area.

25. Which of the following is true? (A)

A. A qualified call should have an SSA and an unqualified call doesn’t have any SSA

B. A qualified call should not have an SSA and an unqualified call should have an SSA

C. A qualified call and an unqualified call both should have an SSA.

D. none

For Technical Interview Questions : keep watching this blog.


sanjuu said…
i expect more ?s for ims....anyway thanks for ?s..
sanjuu said…
i expect more questions for ims....anyway thanks for questions..

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