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Showing posts from April, 2010

DB2-IMS - Few Difference

Cobol-DB2 Cobol -IMS 1 Need to Prcompile to generate 1. DBRM (Sql Staments only) 2. Cobol Object code No Precompilation Required 2 Bind the DBRM to Generate Plan. Plan consists of Executable SQL Quries No Bind Process is Required. Here we Write PSBs to fetch respective Record. 3 Compile Cobol Code Compile Cobol-Ims program 4 Execute Cobol - DB2 Program using IKJEFT01, where in we Specify Program Name and Plan Name to be Executed Execute Cobol-IMS program using DFSRRC00. Pass Program Name , PSB, Name, Plan name Thru Parm Parameter Why We need BIND In DB2 not in IMS Say below query is written in Cobol-Db2 Program Equivalent IMS Call 1 Select A, B, C First Define PCB to Fetch the field A, B, C Where A=10 Using DLI Call fetch the field A, B, ...