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Showing posts from 2009

How to Solve SOC7 Abend - with screen shots

Below process helps to find out the statement, caused the SOC7 error. Check the Sysout of RUNJCL . This shows the error statement and lists offset value Take the Offset Value 000003C0 Got to respective Compilation Job listing, check the sysprint Search for the offset value 0003C0 (delete +00 -- initial 3 letters of Offset value and search for it) check below 2 screen shots This Offset value is listed under line no 0045 – which refers to Move statement. Take this no. 045 and find for it in same sysprint. This points to the exact statement, caused SOC7 T his 045 pints to the Move statement 1526, this is the exact line in the program Check for the above line no. In source program . This points to the statement highlighted below . Check the statement, variable check-4, which is added to check-6. These are having different Picture clause. check-4 is alfhanumaric, holding some junk data, when this data is moved to Chcek-6 variable(of comp-3) creates SOC7 error. This is just an example to e...

steps in CICS-DB2 prog ins. screen shots

    DB2-CICS Program Compilation and Execution  Process   1) Write a DB2/CICS program and compile it using DB2/CICS compailer JCL 2) Use BIND JCL for binding process 3) Now Sign on to CICS Region. 4) Define and install the Map . 5) Define and Install the Program. 6) Check whether there is any DB2 Connection. If not Create a connection using ceda def db2c(....) 7) Define and install the DB2 Entry using ceda def db2e(.......) 8) Define and install the DB2 Transation using ceda def db2t(.......) 9) Define and install the Transation 10) now your setup is ready and you can run your program using the transation ID Sample Screen shots – used for defining above process 4a. Define the map : MYMAPS 4b. Install map : MYMAPS 5a. Define the Program : PGM 5b. Install the Program : PGM 7b. Define the DB2ENTRY : VINAY 7b. INSTALL the DB2ENTRY : VINAY 8.a. DEFINE the DB2ENTRY : HARI 8.a. INSTALL the DB2ENTRY : VINAY GROUP = VIJAY 9.a. DEFINE the transaction for the program(Pgm) : VBVB 9.b...

Why DB2 and why not VSAM (DB2 Vs VSAM)?

Why DB2 and why not VSAM (DB2 Vs VSAM)? This is the common query raised by the programmers, whether to go with DB2/VSAM, hope below information helps. VSAM DB2 Definition Database with file Concepts Database built on File management storage system-DBMS concepts Security levels Provides at Dataset level only Provides Good security levels at various levels (like table, table space etc.,) Data Maintenance It’s difficult compared to DB2. Data retrieval or insertion or updates etc, is a bit difficult (puts more burden on programmer to achieve this). Simply speaking Query interface is not supported It’s easy to maintain data by using SQL Data retrieval or insertion or updates etc, is far easier using SQl . Query interface is ...

DB2-CICS Program Compilation and Run Process

Write a DB2/CICS program Compile it using DB2/CICS compailer JCL Use BIND JCL for binding process Now Sign on to CICS Region. Define and install the program. Define and install the Transation. Check whether there is any DB2 Connection. If not Create a connection using ceda def db2c(....) Define and install the DB2 Entry using ceda def db2e(.......) Define and install the DB2 Transation using ceda def db2t(.......) now your setup is ready and you can run your program using the transation ID